Beginner Certified Study Group Part 2, May 22, 6:30

Beginner Certified Study Group Part 2 In order to prepare for the Certification Test for the NC Master Beekeeper Program, we are studying tools and equipment  (taught by Brandon and Kimmie Delcambre, Journeymen “A Couple of Bees”) and  Apiary siting (taught...

Beginner Certified Study Group Begins May 15

What to further your knowedge about honey bees? There are still openings for MBP Beginner Certified Study Group. Wednesday nights 6:30-8:30 pm   Meeting Room at HomeGuage, 122 Lyman St, Asheville. Registration online under “Events” on (or...

CANCELLED Apiary Workshop 5/11/19 RAIN!

CANCELLED    This Saturday 05-11-2019,  10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre is, obviously, CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN. However, we MUST keep up with our protocol Mite Check Sugar Shake on our donated Nuc, so for those who can...

Advanced and Beginner Classes announced

Advanced Study Group (free to BCBC members, all others $10) for Journeyman and Master Beekeeper certification will begin Wednesdays April 17-May 15 at 122 Lyman Street in Asheville. 6:30-8:30 pm We will follow the curriculum as outlined on the NCSBA site. So take a...

BCBC Apiary Hands On

Reply to with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it. This Saturday 04-13-2019 noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre (directions at the bottom of this page): We will do the first inspection of all...
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