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Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Articles

buncombe county beekeepers club hero image with bees, honey, yellow flowers

November 7th BCBC Meeting Groce united Methodist Church

We will behaving our last meeting of the year as well as combining it with our last bee school class' Lewis Cabel will be presenting "Pest and Disease". Always a great talk and I  get more useful information when I hear it. Please come out and support the club as...

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Buncombe County Beekeepers Club October3rd meeting

Buncombe4County Beekeepers meeting October 3,2022 Come hear Shanti  from Shanti Elixer talk about  Jun a green tea, honey probiatic drink. It should be a really great talk. Doors open at 6:30 so come and talk bees with your fellow club members. Meeting...

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August monthly meeting next Monday Aug 1st at 7:00

Good evening BCBCmembeers, I hope that you and your girls are enjoying the summer. Please join us next Monday at the Groce  United Methodist Church onTunnel road.     Winterizing your beehives well is one of the most important things you can do to keep...

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May 2nd BCBC meeting

Hello  BCBC members, I hope that you can come out  to our meeting  Monday May 2nd.. It is  that time of year when your bees are arriving or your over wintered hives are bustling. Please come out with your wisdom if you are a more experienced...

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Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Meeting Monday April 4th

Hello all, I hope that you and your girls are doing well. For our April meeting we will be having a round table set-up. There will be smokers, feeding and treating,siting your apiary and bear fences,and building equipment, installing bees. Come with your questions and...

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March BCBC meeting Monday March 7th

Hello everyone, I hope that you and your bees are enjoying this wonderful weather. We will be having our March meeting back in person at the church Monday March 7th. Dave Cowart will be discussing spring preparation. Hope to see you there . As always we will open the...

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February BCBC Meeting on Zoom on Feb. 7th at 7:00

BCBC members, We will be having our February meeting  on Monday Feb. 7th at 7:00. We will be going over some club  business and then we are being presented to ,by Michelle Mejia from Moral Bees. Here is a little about Michelle. She has keeping bees on our...

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zoom link for Randy Oliver talk Dec. 6th 2021

wnc bees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Dec 6, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82434997009?pwd=Wm11cmozSjk0ckFxamJuWERBejlPQT09 Meeting ID: 824 3499 7009 Passcode: 941156 One...

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December zoom meeting

    Hello BCBC members, We will be having our December meeting on zoom next Monday Dec 6th at 7:00. The speaker will be Randy Oliver so I hope that you will be able to join us.I will be sending out a zoom link over the weekend, as well as posting to our...

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Nov. Meeting Monday 1st at 7:00 at the Church

   Monday Nov.1 st we are having our last in person meeting of  2021. Come ask questions and hear Gregg Rogers talk. Gregg will be discussing: General fall maintenance. Getting ready to treat with Oxcalic Acid as well as how to. Top ventilation VS top...

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NSCBA Fall Meeting – Hickory NC – Nov 19/20

Everyone,   Please consider attending the NCSBA fall meeting. The presenters are excellent with timely information on very relevant topics to all levels of beekeepers.   Registration information is located here: 2021 Fall Meeting – NCSBA (ncbeekeepers.org)...

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