Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Articles

November meeting Nov. 1st 2021
Good evening members, We will be having a Nov. meeting but not our usual potluck. As you know we had our first in person meeting at the church in Oct and this Nov. meeting will be the last in person meeting of the year, we do have a Dec. meeting but it will be on...
October BCBC meeting 7:00 at Groce United Methodist Church
Hello BCBC members, So we are going to have our first in person meeting on Monday Oct. 4 th at the church. It will be just a n informal get together to talk bees, we will be discussing fall and winter prep.,and keep you up to date with the changes that have been...
BCBC Apiary workshop Saturday Sept 11,2021 11:30am
The BCBC Apiary at Root Cause Farm will host a workshop this Saturday at 9:45 am to 11:30 am on mite counts. We will go over three ways to count mites so you know whether to treat or not. The sugar shake, the alcohol wash and one other TBD. We will also go over...
BCBC July meeting Monday 7/5/21 on zoom at 7:00
Good afternoon BCBC members, As you know we do not usually have a july meeting but the last year and a half has been different....So we will be having a zoom meeting on Monday the 5th of July at 7:00. As always we will be opening the room at 6:30 to talk...
June monthly meeting June 7th on zoom at 7:00
Hello BCBC members, I hope that you and your girls are enjoying this great weather. Coming in June for our monthly zoom meeting I am excited to tell you that we have Kieth Delaplane talking to us. Here is a little about Kieth and the topic of his talk: Keith Delaplane...
[BCBC Members] Buncombe County Beekeepers Club May 3, 2021 Meeting
Alison McAfee alison.n.mcafee at gmail.com Mon May 3 14:17:16 CDT 2021 Hello everyone, I am emailing so that everyone has my contact in case questions come up that aren't addressed during the Q&A tonight. I will be sharing a short (30 min) video recorded...
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club May 3rd, 2021 Monthly Meeting
Hello members, Hope that you and your girls are doing well. We are going to have a very exciting meeting in May. We are going to have Allison McAfee. Here is the topic: Queen failure: Two years of surveying queens and potential causal factors ...
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Q&A
Hello BCBC members, We will be having our Q&A tomorrow evening April14th at 7:00. We will open the room up around 6:45. Bring your questions or just come and talk bees. Hope to see you there. A link was sent email. A few reminders: I will be sending out a link...
April 5th,2021 BCBC Monthly Meeting 7:00 PM
Here is the link for Monday April 5th at 7:00. This Month we will have Tommy Helms ,President of Mecklenburg County Beekeepers talk with us on swarms. As always we will open the zoom room up around 6:30 so feel free to log on and talk bees. Here is a...
FW: Oxalic acid exemption from tolerance from Randy Oliver
Thought it prudent to share this with everyone again. Thank you! Scott Scott A Davis NC Certified Beekeeper Fancy Bear Farms Fairview, NC 828.628.3537/828.712.6074 Honey@fancybearfarms.com From: Scientific Beekeeping <randy@randyoliver.com>...
March 1st Buncombe County Beekeepers Meeting 7:00 on Zoom How Bees Communicate
March BCBC Monthly Meeting: Hello members for the meeting in March we have Chris Apple speak to us. Here is a little about Chris. I am a NCSBA Master Beekeeper. I am a Regional Director for the state and sit on the Board of Directors. I am also a member of the...
Buncombe County Beekeepers Bi-Weekly Q & A Session
Starting on February 10th we will be meeting every other week for question and answer sessions. As part of the boards decision to maintain a healthy group of knowledgeable bee keepers we will be starting to have our Q & A sessions again. The first will be on...