Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Articles

First Apiary Workshop of 2020
BCBC Apiary Root Cause Farm 2020 Schedule Good News: All of our hives are ALIVE at RCF thanks to the diligent efforts of manager, Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, 828-231-8284, mars1952@gmail.com We have 5 full size and 2 five frame NUCs. Saturday...
BCBC Meeting Feb 3rd at Groce United Methodist Church
Good evening BCBC Members, Sorry about the delay in sending this as Marc was going to send out the meeting reminder as we were going to be doing a CPR class. But we had a little snafu and we will be talking bees all night tomorrow. I hope that you can come and...
January 6th BCBC meeting Groce United Methodist Church
Hello BCBC members, I hope that 2020 will be a great year with all your bee keeping endeavors..We will be having our first meeting of the year on January 6th at the Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road Asheville. Meetings start at 7:00 but we encourage you to...
Last Apiary Workshop of 2019
This Saturday 12-07-2019 Noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord's Acre). At this workshop we will evaluate honey stores, feed the bees with the “Mountain Camp Sugar” method and treat the bees with oxalic acid vapor one last...
Buncombe County Beekeepers No December Meeting
This is a reminder that we do not have a December meeting. Please renew your BCBC membership and looking forward to an exciting 2020. Have a safe holiday and a healthy and happy New Year for you and yours including your girls. See you all in January Mark Traub Vice...
BCBC Apiary 11-09-2019 Workshop
This Saturday 11-09-2019 Noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord's Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): At this workshop we will evaluate honey stores, clean the feeders, feed the bees, install entrance reducers and install...
November Meeting and Pot Luck
Time: 6PM (an hour earlier because of the time change) Good evening BCBC Members, I hope that you and your girls are doing well and enjoying this warm weather. Just a short reminder that we are having our last meeting /pot luck next Monday November 4th. Please...
BCBC Apiary workshop this Saturday 10/26
This Saturday 10-26-2019 Noon to 2 PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord's Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): At this workshop, we will evaluate honey stores, clean the feeders, feed the bees, install entrance reducers and make...
BCBC Apiary workshop this Saturday
This Saturday 10-12-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord's Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): It is time to do another sugar shake to evaluate the effectiveness of the oxalic acid vapor mite treatments. We will...
October 7th BCBC Meeting
Hello BCBCmembers, I hope that you all can make it to tomorrows meeting as we will be having Sean Collingsworth come and speak. Sean began raising bees at nearly age and then took it up again after his retirement.Sean is a certified bee keeper and honey...
FW: [BCBC Members] Monday October 6th 2019 Meeting
Good evening BCBC members, Monday October 6th Meeting at Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road I hope that you are doing well and getting the girls ready for fall (if fit ever comes) and winter. Next Mondays meeting will be a talk and presentation on Honey...
09-28-2019 Workshop at RCF
09-28-2019 Workshop at RCF (formally TLA) Reply to mars1952@gmail.com with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it. This Saturday 09-28-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord's Acre-directions...