Equipment Rental

BCBC Club members have access to rent the extractors to use for honey harvesting.

We have two models available. The first is a manual extractor, that holds 9 shallow or medium frames. The second extractor is a 9 frame motorized extractor, that will hold 9 medium or shallow frames.

Each unit comes with a stand, decapping tank, decapping knife, buckets, etc. virtually everything you need to extract your honey! The buckets are for your use during extraction, and should be returned at the same time as the other equipment.

Rental for each unit is $25 for three days, with a refundable $25 deposit. If the units are returned and need to be cleaned, the deposit will be forfeited and used as a cleaning fee.

The club also has a refractometer available for rent for $5.00/day.

They are available and ready for use! To make arrangements for rental of either unit, please email Your message will go to the people responsible for equipment rental management. They in turn will contact you and make arrangements for pickup and/or return of the unit. Please be sure to state which extractor and equipment you are interested in renting in your correspondence!

If anyone needs long term honey storage buckets, Lowe’s sells a white, 5 gallon food grade bucket for approx. $4.00 . They also have long term screw off storage tops for these buckets for approx. $7.00. Honey Gates are available at your local bee supply store. So for approx. $15 you can have an excellent honey bucket as well!

Rental forms are available here. . You can print them off, have them completed and simply hand them to the person when you arrive to pickup the equipment.

Happy Extracting everyone!

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