BCBC April Club Meeting: Dana Stahlman

BCBC April Club Meeting: Dana Stahlman


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Groce Methodist Church
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, North Carolina, 28805, WNC
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Buncombe County Beekeepers Club April Meeting – Featuring Dana Stahlman! 

📅 Date: Monday, April 9, 2025
🕡 Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
📍 Location: Groce Methodist Church

Join us for an insightful evening with Dana Stahlman, a 4th-generation beekeeper, author, educator, and commercial beekeeping expert as he presents:

 Beware the Ides of April – A Lot is Going On! 

April is a pivotal month in the beekeeping season, and Dana will walk us through key management practices to help our colonies thrive. Topics include:

✔️ Evaluating Queens & Queen Replacement
✔️ Tracking Nectar & Pollen Flow
✔️ Managing Weak Hives
✔️ How Weather Impacts Spring Beekeeping
✔️ Why April is a Great Time to Replace Old Comb
✔️ Understanding the Importance of Drones in the Hive

Following the presentation, Dana will host a Q&A session, so bring your questions!

About the Speaker

Dana Stahlman comes from a rich beekeeping heritage and has spent a lifetime immersed in the craft. He has authored several books and has been published in both American Bee Journal and Bee Culture magazines. He currently writes a weekly beekeeping newsletter, now in its 7th year. Dana’s experience spans queen rearing, package bee production, and honey production. He has also served as an educator at Ohio State University, where he managed Buckeye Garden.

Now retired in Raleigh, Dana continues to give back to the beekeeping community. He volunteers at NC State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, where he helps veterinary students gain hands-on experience with bees.

Don’t miss this chance to learn from a seasoned expert! Mark your calendar and join us for an evening of valuable insights, community, and beekeeping knowledge.

 We look forward to seeing you there!

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