You may choose your membership level below. Click on the link to complete payment for the desired level.
Once payment has been received, you will receive an email with the link to complete your registration!
If you choose not to register online, but prefer the traditional (paper) membership application click HERE to retrieve the membership application. Once you have completed it you may either mail it into the club using the address on the bottom of the application or bring it to the next meeting. Please arrive early to complete the registration process.
ALL memberships run from January 1st through December 31st of the current calendar year.
Note: all membership levels include an small online fee (noted) to offset the transaction expense.
Membership levels are:
Buncombe County Beekeepers – Local only
If you are a student in college over 18, choose this option:
BCBC Junior (with one Paid Family Member) (Free!) – Register at the next Monthly Meeting (verification required)
Why join Buncombe County Beekeepers Club?
The following are just a few benefits from being a club member:
Monthly meetings where current information, techniques, and trends are presented and discussed.
Equipment rental – extractor, hot knife, de-capping tanks, and other equipment for just $25.00/three days for BCBC members.
‘how to’ seminars and hands-on workshops free or at nominal cost to members.
Ongoing, structured continuing education courses to help prepare you for the various levels of certification of the North Carolina Master Beekeeper Program.
Networking with other beekeepers in your local area.
Join NCSBA directly by visiting their page.