

We’re making headway on the club beeyard/apiary. We now have three hives in the yard.

 We’re looking to reinvigorate the Club apiary committee to help manage and support the growth of the yard. The apiary has some maintenance coming up soon, probably next weekend.  


Ricky Manning will be the apiary committee chair.


We have two new billboard/educational boards to place, and finish painting. Once that’s done, we can plan what we want on the boards for educational material, and formulate a plan to make that happen.


We have our first large group of visitors coming on September 25th at 9:30am. A group from the Beth Israel congregation is coming to learn what beekeeping is about, and how bees and pollinators work with gardens and supply us with our food. They are interested in not only the bees/apiary, but in the garden and how it works as well. TLA is working on having a representative there for their side as well.


We’re expecting about 60 people for the visit. We’d like to have several members there to help with the visit and presentation. For those of us that are working toward journeyman or Master level certification, this counts for credit hours as well!


Anyone interested in being a member of the apiary planning committee please respond to Ricky Manning at licklogbranchapiaries@gmail.com  or you can email me directly at honey@fancybearfarms.com .


Anyone thats able and interested in helping at least for the morning, should plan on meeting us at the Lords Acre apiary, Saturday Sept 17th at 9:30am. we’ll work for a couple of hours, get the billboards erected and the painting of them completed.


Thank you!


Scott A Davis

President – Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC)

A chapter of the

North Carolina State BeeKeepers Association

Meeting the first Monday of each month at

Groce United Methodist Church

Tunnel Road

Asheville, nc


Catch the Buzz at www.wncbees.org


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