Our next meeting will be our annual ‘Cooking with Honey’ contest, potluck supper and discuss any issues anyone may be seeing in their bee yards this time of year.

Contest entries will be received between 5:45 and 6:15.  After you check in at the front desk, bring your entry to the contest table.

Rules for contest entries are:

                  Cooking with Honey Contest

Recipes do not have to be original, just yummy.  A recipe card must accompany the sample.
No names posted on plate.

Categories are:
1.  Entrée- sample plate of a portion
2.  Dessert- sample plate of a portion, can be baked or not
3.  Other- sample of sauce, bread, snack, etc.
4.  Presentation- a delight to the beekeepers’ eye, the whole plate must be presented  (like a cake in the shape of a beehive, marzipan bees, honey comb pie, etc.)

Bring your sample already portioned out to contest table for #1, 2 or 3.
For #4, name your entry and write it on an index card that will be provided, no recipe needed.

For the potluck, please place your other plate for the potluck on the buffet table for all to share and enjoy!

Our Meeting Agenda will be:

5:45-6:15 Entries received for Cooking with Honey Contest

Place Potluck on Table – labels optional

6:30 Blessing/ Announcement of procedure
6:30-7:15 Food and Fellowship
7:15-7:30 Awards
7:30-8:10 Announcements/This month in the Bee Yard/ Recap of the Year/Officer Appreciation/Nominations/Elections

New Officers will meet with the Board on Wednesday, December 9 at 6 pm @ 122 Lyman St. Asheville

8:15-8:45 Let the Games Begin (for those who can stay)
8:45-9 pm Clean Up

We hope to see everyone there!
BCBC meets the first Monday of each month. Meetings are at:

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm

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