Can you believe the summer is almost over?  We truly hope everyone was able to enjoy a good honey flow, that your hives are healthy, packed full of honey and pollen, and in decent shape as we start into the fall season.

The approach of late summer/early fall brings us the WNC State Fair! As well as (potentially) the dreaded Dearth, Explosions in the mite population, concerns about stores, do we have enough? What do we do if we need to feed? Etc.

With that in mind, our next meeting is exactly on these topics!

The main presentation will be on feeding, how do we do that? What do we watch for?

Following that we will have demonstrations on mite assessments, and.. once you have an assessment,  Whats next?

We will have several demonstrations on mite treatments that range from ‘organic’ chemicals, to ‘natural’ mite treatment without the use of chemicals.

An open panel Q & A session will end the evening to allow everyone to have time to ask questions, discuss their options, and view the various treatments being presented this evening with both pros and cons of each method.

We also expect to have Lewis Cauble, the new N C apiary inspector for Western NC join us to discuss the fair and volunteers.

Workshops we have planned for later in August, and later in the fall include:

Getting ready for the Fair – how to prepare wax, honey, and other products for the Hive for entry into the WNC Honey/beekeeping competition.

Feeding – what the heck is that all about? We will have examples of various feeders, and Beekeepers that have experience with each version so they can discuss the pros and cons of each style with you.

And for the first time volunteers to work at the booth at the fair, a workshop late in August as a volunteer orientation meeting, to help new Beeks be prepared to talk to visitors at the fair as well!

Overall, we will have a Mountain of information to share with everyone!

See you all Monday!

BCBC meets the first Monday of each month at :

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm

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