Our fall regions testing for Journeyman and Master Beekeepers are set.  Test at each location is at 10 am.
The date and locations are:

Piedmont Region, October 3, 2015 at NC Cooperative Extension Ctr.
Chatham County Center
65 East Chatham St.
Pittsboro, NC 27312

Mountain Region, October 24,2015 at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center
455 Research Drive
Mills River, NC 28759

Coastal Region, October 31, 2015 at  NC Cooperative Ext.
Pitt County Center
403 Government Circle, Suite 2
Greenville, NC 27834

Any NCSBA member wishing to test for Journeyman or Master may attend.  There is no charge for testing.
Signup not required,  but if you plan to attend email me at beefarmer1349@gmail.com .

Paul Newbold
Chairman, Master Beekeeper Committee
252-264-0245 H
252-312-4629 C


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