Tonight’s meeting will cover local flower and plant expert visiting to discuss flowers — the kinds that bees like, and the kinds that we like. Did you know that honeybees only work certain flowers for nectar and only certain ones for pollen?

We will also have a local arborist who will speak on various trees with flowers that attract bees.

Mentoring time – 6:30pm – 7:00pm /  Meeting starts at 7:00pm. For new beekeepers (and maybe not so new) we will also have a small example of how to see eggs in comb during the mentoring time.

See you all tonight!

BCBC meets the first Monday of each month. Meetings are at:

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805


Scott Davis

Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC)
a chapter of the
North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA)
Fairview, NC

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