Thanks to everyone that attended. We covered a LOT of ground on feeding, assessment, treating, WNC Fair entries, WNC State Fair volunteer opportunities and other things.

———–General announcements ——————


Bee City USA is partnering with OrganicFest to present Asheville’s 14th Organicfest celebration on Sunday, August 30. The theme for this year is “Bee Organic” with a focus to share the benefits of organics for people AND pollinators!

OrganicFest is from 10:00 to 6:00 at Pack Square Park in downtown Asheville. At our booth in the children’s section we will be putting wings and antennae on kids all day, and helping to lead the Pollinator Parade at 1:00.  We will also be talking about bees and other pollinators, passing out literature, and selling T-shirts.

As you probably know, Bee City USA is completely volunteer-run. Do you have 2 hours you could devote to staffing our booth that day?  Please let Phyllis Stiles know whether you can take a shift at

Feel free to call Phyllis Stiles if you have questions at 828-545-4282, or email her at

From Debra Roberts – our Globetrotting Beekeeper in residence..

     In September, my husband Joe and I will be hosting our dear friends Jan and Tinah Visser-Hekman from the Netherlands.  Jan and Tinah came to my beekeeping workshop in Malta last year … and they are both blind.  They got bees last year and have just crossed the one-year mark, now with three hives. They are utterly remarkable people and I want the community to have a chance to meet them. I am hosting an event – an evening with them – on September 9 at Lenoir Rhyne University (upstairs from the Asheville Chamber of Commerce) from 7 – 9 pm.  

I will be inviting all the local county beekeeping communities and also the visually impaired community.   Mostly I just want people to come meet them, hear them talk about keeping bees and also some of the other remarkable things they do in their lives, and have a chance to ask questions (like how do they do that??).  They are traveling with their remarkable guide dogs, too. There will be an additional flyer regarding this announcement in the near future.. so please make a note and save the date at this time for this event. This should be an amazing opportunity to learn about two remarkable beekeepers!


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