This Saturday, 07/14/2018, 10 am to noon at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre, we will do: 

Hive inspection, we need to check on our supercedure and swarm hive.

Robbing awareness

Mite assessment

Smoker 101

Bring your veil and some water.


All BCBC members and guests are welcome. Bring your veil and some water.

Marshall Mullins, Coordinator for the BCBC/Lord’s Acre Apiary, 231-8284

7/14/18 10 am -noon 

7/19-21 GONE TO NCSBA CONVENTION IN FLAT ROCK, Register online asap!

7/28/18 10 am -noon 

7/30/18    Certified Practical test by appointment only

8/4/18 10 am -noon 

8/18/18 10 am -noon 

9/1/18 noon – 2pm

9/15/18    noon – 2pm

9/29/18 noon – 2pm



The Lord’s Acre is easy to find with Google Maps. Just click on or copy and paste this address:

The Lord’s Acre, Joe Jenkins Road, Fairview, NC

If you don’t have a smartphone or a GPS you can find the Lord’s Acre by taking 74a (AKA The Charlotte Highway) to 3 tenths of a mile north of the Food Lion in Fairview then turn onto Joe Jenkins Rd right across from the red caboose (your only choice is west). The Lord’s Acre is the first driveway on the left and it will be marked with a BCBC sign. 

We need any certified, journeyman, or master bee keepers to help teach workshops or just do inspections.

Please respond to  with the following information:


1. Which date you would like to help lead?


2. Your preferred email and phone number:


3. Your comfort level of with leading a hive inspection on your own?


4. Any questions, concerns, or suggestions;


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