Join us  Monday, Feb 1st, 6:30pm Meeting starts at 7pm. Western NC Apiary inspector, Lewis Cauble; Varroa Destructor 

We hope everyone is ‘weathering the storm’ well. Its been a tough winter in many ways. 


Everyone should be doing a ‘heft’ test on their hives to ensure they have plenty of stores. If your hives are light, consider feeding with a candy board, sugar or other supplement for your hives. Remember, bees will not break cluster to go into a hive top feeder.


The best approach is a candy board, baggie or jar feeder on top of the cluster. We will have a few examples of the various techniques setup at the next meeting.

Our next meeting is Monday, Feb 1st. Gathering/mentoring time is 6:30 to 7pm. Meeting starts at 7pm. This month, our Western NC Apiary inspector, Lewis Cauble, will be discussing the Varroa Destructor Mite, treatments and other ways to deal with the pesky little buggers!
A reminder – we are reprinting name tags for those that have renewed membership this year. Everyone be sure to check in at the front desk, renew your membership if you haven’t done so already. Join us for a full year of new and informative meetings on beekeeping!


We have seminars and workshops planned for members:

Building a beeyard –  where the heck to I put it and how do I put up that bear fence?

Hive stands – setup and construction (March)

Yard Setup – Hiving a Nuc (late March/early April)

Yard Maintenance  – Nuc installation and how to split a hive and when (May)


2nd Year Beekeepers – preparation for the NCSBA Certified level of the MBP program

3rd yr + beekeepers – Preparation for the NCSBA Journeyman level of the MBP program


As these dates are solidified, they will be posted on the events calendar on the website. Several will be dependent on the availability/arrival of nucs/bees!



The Center for HoneyBee Research is inviting the public to get in on the decision making of tasting for the “Black Jar Honey Contest.” Come this Saturday, January 30, 2016 at the Renaissance Hotel 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM to join the official judging panel evaluating 27 superior honeys from across the U.S. and around the world to select “the World’s Best Tasting Honey” of 2015.


There will be presentations on pollinators, honey sources and varieties, and an introduction to some of the things the Center is doing. Caps, t-shirts and honey will be available for purchase – and a $10 donation entitles those present to their own judging sheet with the opportunity to taste the same honeys as our panel.


A $1500 Grand Prize winner will be announced at the conclusion and if time allows we will also announce the winner of the “Peoples’ Choice”. Those participating in the judging will also receive a “I’m a Friend of the Center for Honeybee Research” sticker.


Bee Schools!


It’s that time of year again. Bee Schools in the area are starting up or are in full swing.


The Center for Honey Bee Research here in Asheville has announced its spring bee school.  The dates for this school are March 5th and 6th at the Folk Art center located on the Blue Ridge Parkway. More information for their school and enrollment opportunities can be found  at


Henderson county beekeepers school information may be found here:  however, at this late date they may have already closed enrollment. Their start date has been pushed to Feb 1st due to inclement weather.


Haywood county beekeepers bee school information may be found here:


McDowell county Beekeepers bee school information may be found here:


See you all Monday!

 BCBC meets the first Monday of each month. Meetings are at:

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm



Scott Davis

Buncombe County Beekeepers Chapter (BCBC)
the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA)

Catch the BuZzZz at


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