Happy New year to everyone! 

We sincerely hope that everyone’s bee yards are in good shape, that your ladies are happy, healthy and buzzing with activity in this most unusual winter.

2016 is shaping up to be and outstanding year for beekeepers, beekeeping in general! We are doing our best to bring more educational opportunities to our members, that include more workshops, more hands on activities, more of just about everything ‘bee’ and pollinator related! Our next two meetings are:

Jan 4        It may seem too early to be thinking about equipment for Spring, but it really isn’t.  Do you have what you need?  Does anything need to be updated?  Cleaned?  Thrown away?  Are you going to purchase another nuc or package?  Do you have the hive components ready?  Painted?  So many questions – – and our friend Greg Rogers will have so many  answers for us at this meeting!

Feb 1        Since pests going unchecked can really wreck a bee yard, our newest NC Apiary Inspector, Lewis Cauble, would like to get down and dirty on the subject of Varroa and other pests.  We’re learning new things about these bee-destructors all the time, and we’ll be hearing from Lewis on the latest news, and what beekeepers can do.

A reminder that membership dues are due Monday evening. If you are a new member and need to complete the membership form, it can be found on the website here . The membership form has been redesigned this year so that, if you decide to join the NCSBA as well, you no longer have to complete two forms. Simply complete the BCBC membership form, and the state organization will accept that form for their use as well.

If you are renewing your membership and haven’t paid for 2016 dues yet, please plan to arrive early on Monday evening in order to ‘take care of business’ before the meeting starts.

We have several announcements that will be made on Monday evening as well. We are also in the process of redesigning the website, so feel free to make suggestions for changes!

See you all Tonight!

BCBC meets the first Monday of each month. Meetings are at:

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm

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