Newbees and intermediates both sometimes have trouble lighting a smoker, and then keeping it lit!

It definitely takes some talent and finesse to be a good smoker.  Do you know who’s a really good professional Smoker?  Our friend and Master Beekeeper Edd Buchanan from Black Mountain!
He’s going to provide tips and opportunities to light YOUR smoker and there’s word that there will be a contest involved!  Bring your smoker in for a tune-up and a refresher course – and stay after while Edd reviews the Spring honey flow.

There will also be  a raffle/drawing for a hive, complete with Bees, at the meeting. This is a continuation of the hive raffle that was started at the CHBR bee school this past weekend.

Members will again have the opportunity to renew their membership to BCBC.  Membership applications/renewal forms are available here.

Reminder, if you renewed your membership this past meeting and didn’t received a membership card, please email Membership Director Ricky Manning and let him know. He will have your membership card waiting at check for you!
BCBC meets the first Monday of each month at :

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm

See you all on May 4th!

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