First we want to wish everyone Happy Holidays!  We hope everyones bees are warm, snug and happy on these chilly winter days and nights.

A reminder that there will be no club meeting in December. Regular club meetings will resume on Monday, January 4, 2016!

Now is the time to start planning for spring, which is right around the corner!

Don’t forget to stay tuned into your hives during the cold. That doesn’t necessarily mean hive inspections, especially on these chilly days. But do be watchful for activity, do an occasional ‘heft’ test to ensure there is ample resources/honey for your bees in the coming cold days, etc.

We will be posting the meeting calendar for next year’s meetings and events very soon. Stay tuned for more good stuff happening next year!

Thank you!


Scott Davis


Buncombe County Beekeepers Chapter (BCBC) of

the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA)



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