
Have you ever taken a look at your bee yard and saw something going on that you just couldn’t identify?  Why are they walking around on the ground, looking confused? Why are there bees
flying and poking around the lid of my hive? Are the “thousands” of bees flying around my hive just happy-go-lucky and glad to be outside, or are they being robbed?

If you’ve had these experiences, or any others of note, you’ll be glad you came to our February 2nd monthly bee meeting at Groce Methodist Church.  We’ll have help with these conundrums, hear those of other beekeepers, and provide you with some answers!

Do you have a “trick” you tried in your bee yard that you were sure would fix “that” problem, only  to have it end up as a “flop” for you or your bees?  Bring some examples and share them with experienced beekeepers who will describe some “flops” of their own.

This meeting promises to be fun, interesting and enlightening!

Members will again have the opportunity to renew their membership to BCBC.  Membership applications/renewal forms are available here.


Reminder, if you renewed your membership this past meeting and didn’t received a membership card, please email Membership Director Ricky Manning and let him know. He will have your membership card waiting at check for you!


BCBC meets the first Monday of each month at
Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805


There is a growing interest in top-bar hives. we have plans for workshops on Top Bar Beekeeping Later this year. For top bar ‘conversation, as well as other beekeeping advice/conversation among our peers,  don’t forget that pre-meeting conversation and advice between 6:30 and 7:00pm, Meetings start at 7:00pm.

See you there!


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