
We hope your summer has been great, and that your bees are happily buzzing around as they use the remaining days of Fall to prepare for their winter break.

The arrival of fall also signals the arrival of the North Carolina Mountain State Fair! For those of you contemplating entering into the various levels of honey competition, it’s still not too late! This year they have the ability to register for the various categories online!  To review the various categories for competition here http://tinyurl.com/jy37gvu

There are lots of categories that cover a wide variety of products. There’s even a category for Mead! (are you mead makers listening?!!!)
Today is the last day of registration for this year’s events. However, with the online entry form, its easier than ever! To register online, you can start the process by going to https://ncmsf.fairwire.com/

Once this page is displayed, you will need to click ‘sign in’ on the top right hand corner. Then you will need to create an account that allows you to register for your event.
It’s that simple!  We would really really like to see lots of entries for the various categories. It’s fun, and it helps educate the public on the various forms of honey and hive related products!
We hope to see your entries and you at the WNC Mountain State fair!


BCBC meets the first Monday of each month. Meetings are at:

Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm Meeting time is 7:00pm


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