
Weather permitting, we will have the mite assessment workshop at the Club beeYard at the Lords Acre in Fairview on Saturday, 8/6 at 10:00am.

We will be doing a hive inspection, and demonstrating the accuracy of two different methods of mite assessment on the same hive.



From Asheville, follow 74-A toward lake lure. After you cross the top of mine hole gap, continue toward lake lure. After you pass the stoplight at Emmas grove road, go approximately 1 mile . Angelo’s restaurant will be on your left, Joe Jenkins road is directly across the road on the right. Turn right onto Joe Jenkins road, go approx. ¼ mile. Turn left onto the dirt road at the lords acre. The bee yard can be seen from the road. It’s on the top of the hill in the middle of the pasture.


You should probably bring your veil, and something to keep hydrated with, water, etc. as the weather should be warm and humid.


Directions can be found here https://goo.gl/maps/KcaFU6XGEtn


Hope to see you there!


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