Happy Summer everyone!   I truly hope that everyone’s colonies are happy, healthy and full of life and honey!

The sourwood flow is in full swing, and has been for a couple of weeks now. Everywhere you go, you can see Sourwood trees in full bloom!

The NC State beekeepers meeting starts Thursday in Lake Junaluska in Waynesville. Since it is so close, I truly hope everyone takes advantage of this golden opportunity to attend the sessions and benefit from it being in our back yard , so to speak. The conference agenda may be viewed here (IF you are a member of the NC State beekeepers association )

There is a group of BCBC ‘Beeks’ that will be taking the Journeyman level certification test for the NC State master beekeepers program. We wish them all the best of luck, although luck has nothing to do with it! They have all studied hard and long, and we have the utmost faith in them and their journey toward Master Beekeeper certification!

As a reminder, BCBC will NOT have a meeting in July. With the holiday weekend, and the state meeting only a few days apart, we are not hosting a meeting in July. We are working on a workshop later in the month. As soon as we have plans for late summer and fall workshops finalized, we will let everyone know in plenty of time.

If anyone is having questions or issues with their hives, please don’t hesitate to post your questions here, or visit the WNC Beekeepers page on Facebook to post your question. There are a lot of knowledgeable, helpful beekeepers in our area, so please don’t hesitate to take advantage of them.

Enjoy the summer everyone!

BCBC meets the first Monday of each month at :

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm


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