You went to Bee School but want to brush up?

You didn’t go to Bee School and want to learn more about your honey bees?

  Buncombe County Beekeepers Chapter (BCBC is sponsoring a field day for membership and guests on June 6th, this Saturday, 10:30 til about 1:30 in a field off Lake Eden Rd. in Black Mountain. (Look for signs) Bring your own lunch and jaw a while about our NC state insect. There will be many activities in and around the honey bee hives with Jon Christie of Wild Mountain Bees.

Bring protective gear! We’re going to get you up close and maybe in the hive!

(Port-a-Jon available/ Bring a chair if you want to sit.)


Stations set up on;

1. Sugar Shake Mite Check (you are 2 months away from having to KNOW this)

2. How to Build a Bear Fence

3. How to Combine Hives with Newspaper

4. How to Make a Queenless Split

5. Identifying Bee Equipment that you’ve only seen in catalogs

6. Taking the Initially Certified Test /We have people already signed up for testing that day so don’t bother them but THERE ARE 3 OPENINGS FOR TESTING- written and practical) See Janet under the tent. First come first served. Must be a BCBC member.

11:30  Grab your sandwich and eat quick while you observe a SWARM (we make it just for you so it’s called “artificial” but it’s plenty real)

11:45-1:00 The Jon Christie Show and Talk (Wild Mountain Bee entrepreneur guest demonstrator)

            *Hiving a swarm

            *Installing a Queen

            *Doing a Sugar Shake for counting mites

            *Using a mite check insert

1:00-1:30 More Q &A

Help us pack up


To Edd Buchanan’s Bee Yard  (Edd is recovering from knee surgery but he said we could use his bee yard.)

Right past NC State Veterans Home-Black Mountain in Black Mountain 62 Lake Eden Rd

Swannanoa, NC 28778

If you can find Owen Middle School on Old US Hwy 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778

Pass the Owen Middle School

Turn L on Lake Eden Rd, Go .2mi

Turn L on Clover Lane (paved, signs point to NC State Veterans Home)

Pass the Vet home.

Go another .2 mi see field on left

Park on edge of field on left.

(Port-a-Jon available)


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