
The BCBC meeting for February has been rescheduled for Monday, Feb. 9th due to the weather. Our policy follows Buncombe County School policy. Buncombe county schools are closing 3 hours early today due to weather concerns. There are also concerns about black ice on the roads this evening.

We are rescheduling our meeting to take place on Monday, Feb 9th. The meeting will start at 7pm sharp. our speakers have already confirmed their availability as well!

Don’t forget that this week is the Joint NCSBA/SCBA meeting. The meeting is being held in Monroe, this coming Thursday/Friday/Saturday. We strongly urge everyone to attend as the sessions are informative and fun! More information can be found at NCSBA/SC Joint Meeting

Dont neglect your hives this time of year! remember to at least do a ‘heft test’ to ensure that your bees have ample food stores. They should be starting to lay brood in anticipation of the coming spring. This is the time of year that colonies can easily starve if they are active and don’t have enough stores available. If you overfeed, be prepared to deal with the possibility of early swarming this spring as well!

See you all on the 9th!

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