Make sure you’ve eaten before you come to our next meeting, June 1st, because the bee club is providing the dessert!

Have you ever been to The Hop ice cream shop? Ever eaten honey IN your ice cream?  The Hop has agreed to try out a new recipe using honey (remember our “make it with honey” contest later this summer!), it’s called honey lavender Vanilla vegan, and we’ll be serving it up at our meeting, along with a tub of vanilla and a tub of chocolate.

BUT, we invite you all to bring in your favorite ice cream toppings -anything you fancy! The club will provide the dishes, napkins, and spoons.

While you’re eating your ice cream, we’ll learn more about the re-labeling of pesticides and what beekeepers really need to know.

Hope to see you there for networking at 6:30, and 7:00 for the ice cream and program. Make sure you’ve eaten before you come to our next meeting, June 1st,
because the bee club is providing the dessert!

Reminder, if you renewed your membership this past meeting and didn’t received a membership card, please email Membership Director
Ricky Manning and let him know. He will have your membership card waiting at check for you!
BCBC meets the first Monday of each month at :

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm


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