Bees are coming soon! Are you ready?

 Many of us will be receiving packages or early nucs in the next couple of weeks. In anticipation of apiary growth we will be having a workshop /workday at the club apiary at The Lords Acre in Fairview this weekend.

 We will be expanding the bear fence around the yard, and expanding the hive stands, etc. in anticipation of growth of the apiary in the very near future. If you need experience about fencing, or have questions on how it works, or other things, this is a great opportunity for you to stop by, ask questions and get some hands on experience as well!

 We installed the club package this afternoon, and took quick look at the other hives.. and.. they are even STRONGER!

 Prior to the arrival of the package this afternoon, Ricky was able to do a ‘live demo’ of how to catch and hive a swarm. One of the existing hives swarmed, and they just happen to drive up while it was still hanging in the archway next to the apiary.

As far as I know, he is planning a good inspection tomorrow on the overwintered hives there. It should be interesting!

Because of the captured swarm, and the installation of the package, we’ve grown from two hives in February to five virtually overnight!

It will be a great opportunity for everyone to come see the Club apiary, ask questions, see bees and get some hands on experience in a bee yard before you have to ‘jump in with both feet’!

We should be there by 10:00am Saturday.

The yard is located at the Lords Acre, on Joe Jenkins road in Fairview. Simply come down 74A toward Lake Lure. You will pass Emma’s grove road, which has ‘The Local Joint’ on the corner. Continue past that intersection. Just over the hill on the left is Angelo’s Restaurant, and the Whistle Hop craft brewery. Thats a real rail road caboose! 

 Take a right at Angelo’s onto Joe Jenkins road. The road leading to the apiary will be the 2nd dirt road on the left. It has a sign, and the apiary is on the hill .

 Hope to see every there!


 Scott A Davis

President – Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC)

A chapter of the

North Carolina State BeeKeepers Association

Meeting the first Monday of each month at

Groce United Methodist Church

Tunnel Road

Asheville, nc




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