BCBC Apiary at Root Cause Farm

Welcome to the Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Apiary at Root Cause Farm (RCF)



March 30, 2019:  at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre we (7 of us) installed three 3 pound packages of bees and a five frame nucleus hive. All of our bees showed up on the same day. There were a handful of dead bees in each package but the number of bees seemed generous and the remaining bees seemed healthy. The Nuc donated by Lewis Cauble is great! It was packed with bees and brood and included a numbered queen! Fancy!

We demonstrated several ways to install package bees and talked about several ways to feed the bees. We did not feed the bees we installed today because each of the hives had at least 50 pounds of honey from the dead-outs. At the end, we practiced baggie feeding on an empty hive with just water instead of syrup. It was fun to practice cutting the baggies without having to worry about drowning the hive.

The next workshop is in two weeks on Saturday Sept. 14. We will do the first inspection of the new bees and try to mark the new queens.

I hope you can make it.


PAST     03-23-2019: 12 noon- 2:00 pm

               03-30-2019: 12 noon- 2:00 pm 

SCHEDULED   04-13-2019:  12 noon- 2:00 pm


Upcoming workshops at the BCBC Root Cause Farm apiary this summer. Times to be announced later.

First inspection of installed packages

Repair or rebuild equipment.

Spring feeding and inspections.

Sugar shake mite inspections

Alcohol wash mite inspections

Mite treatments.

Demonstration of heating of hives to kill mites but not the bees.

Simple queen rearing and the benefits of having extra queens.

Swarm prevention and inspections.

Adding honey supers.

Harvesting and extracting honey.

Dearth awareness and summer feeding.

Late summer mite treatment.

Fall feeding and developing winter bees.

Preparing hives for winter.

All BCBC members and guests are welcome. Bring a veil and some water.  Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, Coordinator for the BCBC/Lord’s Acre Apiary,

828-231-8284, mars1952@gmail.com

Root Cause Farm is easy to find with Google Maps. Just click on or copy and paste this address:

Root Cause Farm, Joe Jenkins Road, Fairview, NC

If you don’t have a smartphone or a GPS you can find the Lord’s Acre by taking 74a (AKA The Charlotte Highway) to 3 tenths of a mile north of the Food Lion in Fairview then turn onto Joe Jenkins Rd right across from the red caboose (your only choice is west). The Lord’s Acre is the first driveway on the left and it will be marked with a BCBC sign.

ARCHIVE of Announcements:

Please come out and join us with Marshall Mullins, custodian of our teaching apiary at The Lord’s Acre. The bee yard is the first drive on the left on Joe Jenkins Rd in Fairview (Across from Angelos Restaurant). 

Apiary Inspections (Hands on learning for YOU!)  and “talking bee” will last about 2 hours. Please make sure to bring your protective gear, water and sunscreen. No bathrooms.

03-23-2019: 12 noon- 2:00 pm

03-30-2019: 12 noon- 2:00 pm 

At Saturday’s workshop, we will demonstrate the installation and feeding of package bees and nucs. As usual I will answer as many of your questions as possible. I need a volunteer to pick-up the two prepaid packages of bees at Honey & the Hive in Weaverville. Contact me at mars1952@gmail.com if you can help.

Upcoming workshops at the BCBC RCF bee yard this summer. Times to be announced later.

Installation and feeding of package bees and nucs (nucleus hive). If you miss the March 30th workshop we have more bees coming later.

Repair or rebuild equipment.

Spring feeding and inspections.

Sugar shake mite inspections

Alcohol wash mite inspections

Mite treatments.

Demonstration of heating of hives to kill mites but not the bees.

Simple queen rearing and the benefits of having extra queens.

Swarm prevention and inspections.

Adding honey supers.

Harvesting and extracting honey.

Dearth awareness and summer feeding.

Late summer mite treatment.

Fall feeding and developing winter bees.

Preparing hives for winter.


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