Want to learn how to use a natural mite treatment in our bee yard this Saturday? We will use ApiLifeVar and Formic Pro if the weather forecast allows. (Under 85 degrees).

08-17-2019 Mite treatment and feeding during the dearth, 10 AM to Noon

The Lord’s Acre is now called Root Cause Farm, same place.

All BCBC members and guests are welcome at the Apiary workshops. Bring a veil and some water. 

Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, Manager of the BCBC/Root Cause Farm Apiary, 828-231-8284 mars1952@gmail.com Questions? If you respond to this email, it does not go to me so be sure to cut and paste my address in you email.


Upcoming workshops at the BCBC RCF bee yard this summer. 10 am-noon

08-17-2019 Mite treatment and feeding during the dearth. 

08-31-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

09-14-2019 Inspection, Fall feeding

09-21-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

09-28-2019 Inspection, Preparing hives for winter.

10-12-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

10-26-2019 Inspection



December 2019 Final mite treatment with Oxalic acid.

February 2020 First spring inspection. Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.


Root Cause Farm (Formally: The Lord’s Acre) is easy to find with Google Maps. Just click on or copy and paste this address:

Root Cause Farm, Joe Jenkins Road, Fairview, NC

If you don’t have a smartphone or a GPS you can find the Root Cause Farm by taking 74a (AKA The Charlotte Highway) to 3 tenths of a mile north of the Food Lion in Fairview then turn onto Joe Jenkins Rd; it is across from the red caboose at Whistle Hop (your only choice is west). The Root Cause Farm is the first driveway on the left and it will be marked with a BCBC sign.


Recap of 08-03-2019 BCBC Workshop at RCF


On Saturday 08-03-2019 10 AM to noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm:

Eight hardworking people showed up. The weather was sunny and hot. We inspected all of the hives and they are all strong and queen right. We prepared all of the hives for mite treatment and did sugar shakes on all four hives. The mite counts were 1, 1, 6, and 8. The highest mite count of 8 is about 2 1/2%. We have delayed the mite treatment until the hot days cool off for the Thymol to act so come to Aug 17th workshop. 





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