Advanced Study Group (free to BCBC members, all others $10) for Journeyman and Master Beekeeper certification will begin Wednesdays April 17-May 15 at 122 Lyman Street in Asheville. 6:30-8:30 pm

We will follow the curriculum as outlined on the NCSBA site. So take a look and see how serious you are!

Beginner Certified Study Group Classes are scheduled for Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 starting May 15- June 26  at 122 Lyman Street in Asheville. ($30)

If you would like to become NC certified here are the requirements (and in this order):

  1. Be a current NCSBA member and Buncombe County Beekeeping Chapter member. (You can become a member for $10)
  2. Pass a written test, through our chapter at the end of the course or given at one of the statewide conferences.
  3. Pass a practical test (involves manipulating a hive of bees), administered by another certified beekeeper through a local chapter. Four months beekeeping experience are needed prior to taking the practical test.

In order to prepare for the certified level, we expect you to have a beginning beekeeping school under your belt.

Check out the study guide on the website: 

Those that pass the written test will be invited to take the practical test in July at the club’s apiary. TBA

Janet Peterson, Education Director BCBC

RSVP to email:

We must have 8+ people to do the class!


The Board of Directors of Buncombe County Beekeepers Club a chapter of The North Carolina State Beekeepers Association

(who want to see you succeed and continue in the art of beekeeping through Journeyman and Master Beekeeper, if desired!)

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