This Saturday 11-09-2019 Noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page):
At this workshop we will evaluate honey stores, clean the feeders, feed the bees, install entrance reducers and install mouse guards.  As always I will answer your questions. Always bring some water and a veil.
I hope you can make it Saturday.
Reply to with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it. Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, Manager of the BCBC/Lord’s Acre Apiary, 
11-09-2019 make and install fondant. Sugar shake mite check if it is warm enough.
Mid December-2019  inspections. Oxalic vapor treatment for mites
Mid February first inspections of 2020

Root Cause Farm (Formally: The Lord’s Acre) is easy to find with Google Maps. Just click on or copy and paste this address:
If you don’t have a smartphone or a GPS you can find the Root Cause Farm by taking 74a (AKA The Charlotte Highway) to 3 tenths of a mile north of the Food Lion in Fairview then turn onto Joe Jenkins Rd; it is across from the red caboose at Whistle Hop (your only choice is west). The Root Cause Farm is the first driveway on the left and it will be marked with a BCBC sign
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