Do you want to participate in the whole honey extraction process?
BCBC is hosting an educational, honey extraction party for this Tuesday 08/13/2019, 6:00 pm.
We will be extracting the honey of the club’s apiary on Root Cause Farm (renamed from The Lord’s Acre). Member Brian Friel has generously offered his house to get tagged with stickiness. He lives between Woodfin and Weaverville:
124 Naples Street, Asheville, NC 28804
Parking is limited. It is best to RSVP to Marshall Mullins, 828-231-8284,
You will learn the set up of the club’s extractor (that members can rent), uncap the frames with the hot knife, see the centrifugal force it takes to remove the honey, strain and bottle the honey.
Bring a rag, a snack/drink, a small jar for a sample and apron or clothes you can get sticky. The honey will be sold to reinvest in the apiary for equipment.

2018 Extraction Party

2018 Extraction Party