May 29, 2019 Week 3

6:30 General Quiz to help you prepare for Certified test

6:45-7:05 HISTORY of BEEKEEPING (taught by Jen Swearington)

7:05- 7:30 BEE DEVELOPMENT (taught by Scott Davis)

7:30-7:40 RACES of HONEY BEES (taught by Janet Peterson)

7:40-8:25 THE SUPERORGANISM/BEE BEHAVIORS (taught by Jen Swearington)

8:25-8:30 Assignment/Clean up

Wednesday nights 6:30-8:30 pm Meeting Room at HomeGauge, 122 Lyman St, Asheville. Registration online under “Events” on (or just show up), Pay at the door $5/class and you supply the book although we will have 5 more copies for sale. The Beekeeper’s Handbook Fourth Edition Diana Sammataro. Four more classes are scheduled for each Wednesday June 5, 12, 19, 26 to be taught by members who have achieved their certification. Prerequisite: BCBC and NCSBA member, 4 months of beekeeping experience or attendance at 2019 BCBC bee school

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