CANCELLED June 8 BCBC Apiary Inspection

Hello all of you wonderful Lord’s Acre volunteers!

Due to Mother Nature’s watering schedule, we need to cancel and reschedule our mite check and honey assessment to Saturday, June 22nd. Heavy thunderstorms are expected at about the time we are in the bees. So, mark your calendars for 2 weeks and we will call this one a wash…literally!


Journeyman beekeeper

2019 President Buncombe County Beekeepers Club

Upcoming workshops at the BCBC/TLA bee yard this summer. 10 am-noon until further notice

06-08-2019 cancel due to rain

06-22-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspection Hive #1. Honey assessment for harvesting. Should be in the midst of Sourwood flow. Checking the queen castle.

07-06-2019 Dearth awareness and seeing what’s in bloom at the Lord’s Acre to sustain our bees. (Fourth of July Weekend)

07-20-2019 Possible feeding if dearth. Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash Hive #1 inspections. Raising queens and bees for winter. Any splits need to be made?

08-03-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections all hives. Mite treatment.

08-17-2019 Inspection

08-31-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

09-14-2019 Inspection, Fall feeding

More TBA


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