Dear BCBC Members and invited WNC members of other Chapters on the ladder for the Initially Certified Practical Test in NCSBA’s Master Beekeeper Program.

The 30 minute written Initially Certified test (50 multiple choice and T/F) will be given on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 between 5:30-7:30 PM at 122 Lyman St. Asheville in the HomeGuage orange room. For non-members there is a suggested donation of $5 payable upon arrival.

The NC Master Beekeeper Program (MBP)

Ready for Beginner Certified Status

  • Join the NCSBA ($15)
  • Take a 50 question written test of multiple choice/T/F questions given:
  • YOU MUST RSVP to Education Secretary, Janet Peterson at janetpeterson0@bellsouth.net right away so we know how many tests to print up. You may also take these tests at the summer NCSBA meeting August 8-10 in Hickory.
  • Good Luck!

The Master Beekeeping Program is our state’s NC SBA stair-step program to help you gain sufficient knowledge about the honeybee to be a good beekeeper.

We want you to be a part of our community of beekeepers and recognize your bee knowledge growth. You know more than you think, so let’s prove it!

2nd test: Beginner Certified PRACTICAL test: TBA for BCBC members only.

More info is also on http://www.ncbeekeepers.org/master-beekeeper-program/

to learn more about what is expected.

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