On Saturday 07-20-2019 10 AM to noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre: (Joe Jenkins Road, Fairview, NC)
Three hardworking people showed up. The weather was sunny and hot. We inspected all of the hives and nucs (A Nuc is a Nucleus hive.) and they are all strong and queen right. There was no sign of EFB.
WE ROBBED HONEY FROM THREE HIVES AND HAVE 12 DEEP FRAMES AND 24 MEDIUM FRAMES TO EXTRACT.  WE ARE LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER TO HOST AN EXTRACTION PARTY where the newbees can get some hands on experience. Contact me and I will arrange a time.
One of the hives at our yard is mean, too mean for a teaching apiary, and needs to be re-queened. We looked for the queen on Saturday but could not find her. I need a couple of sharp eyed volunteers to help me find her sometime this week. Contact me and I will arrange a time.
All BCBC members and guests are welcome at the workshops. Bring a veil and some water.  Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, Manager of the BCBC/Lord’s Acre Apiary,

828-231-8284, mars1952@gmail.com

Upcoming workshops at the BCBC TLA bee yard this summer. 10 am-noon until further notice
08-03-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections all hives. Mite treatment.
08-17-2019 Inspection
08-31-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.
09-14-2019 Inspection, Fall feeding
09-21-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.
09-28-2019 Inspection, Preparing hives for winter.
10-12-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.
10-26-2019 Inspection
December 2019 Final mite treatment with Oxalic acid.
February 2020 First spring inspection. Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.
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