CANCELED This Saturday 07-06-2019 at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre CANCELED

We realize many will be away for the July 4th holiday. Next workshop 7-20-19

Upcoming workshops at the BCBC TLA bee yard this summer. 10 am-noon until further notice.

07-20-2019 Possible feeding if dearth. Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash Hive #1 inspections. Raising queens and bees for winter. Do any splits need to be made?

08-03-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections all hives. Mite treatment.

08-17-2019 Inspection

08-31-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

09-14-2019 Inspection, Fall feeding

09-21-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

09-28-2019 Inspection, Preparing hives for winter.

10-12-2019 Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

10-26-2019 Inspection



December 2019 Final mite treatment with oxalic acid gas.

February 2020 First spring inspection. Sugar shake/Alcohol mite wash inspections.

Reply to with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it.

Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, Manager of the BCBC/Lord’s Acre Apiary, 


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