Local Beekeeping Vendors/Suppliers


Cold Mountain Queens
(828) 648-1198​
New World Carniolan Bee Supplier Mike Singleton
65 Pyrenees Place
Canton, NC 28716
Edd Buchanan
(828) 669-8936
Italian Bees, Queens, Nucs, Honey 602 Blue Ridge Road
Black Mountain, NC 28711
Gommin Acres Farm
(828) 693-1966
Brushy Mountain Products, Honey, Pollen, Nucs Stuart Van Meter
1945 Davis Mtn Rd
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Haw Creek Honey
(828) 298-7639
Honey Products 15 Graham Rd
Asheville, NC 28805
Holbert’s Bee Supplies
(828) 749-2337
Complete line of Beekeeping Supplies Phillip Holbert
P.O. Box 21
706 Ozone Dr.
Saluda NC 28773
Honeybees4Sale 5 frame nucleus colonies in the Asheville/Hendersonville area www.honeybees4sale.com
Hwy 226 Bee Supplies
(828) 652-1263
Complete line of Beekeeping Supplies Walter Johnson
13133 Hwy 226 South
Union Mills NC, 28167
Joe Johnson
(828) 645-9297
Hive bodies fully assembled Clarks Chapel Road Extension
Weaverville, NC 28787
Lick Log Branch Apiaries
Ricky Manning
 Locally Raised Queens
Nucs / Top Bar Hives
Wooden Ware
111 Log Gap Rd.
Fairview, NC 28730
Orr Bee Supply
(828) 581-4494
Complete line of Beekeeping Supplies 323 Morris Hollow Rd.
Old Fort, North Carolina 28762
Revis Russian Apiaries
(828) 652-3524
Russian Bees, Queens, Nucs Ray Revis
PO Box 2520
Marion, NC 28752
Sweet Betty Bee’s Honey and Hive
(828) 231-9657
Sweet Betty Bee’s Honey and Hive Lyne and Ed Vendely
34 Hemphill Knoll Road
Asheville, NC 28803
The Spicewood Farm Honey Products PO Box 18055
Asheville, NC 28814
Wild Mountain Bee Supply
(828) 484-9466
Complete line of bee supplies, Raw Honey, bees, nucs, and queens, all natural bee products, wax, propolis, etc Sarah Mckinney
23 Merrimon Ave.
Weaverville, NC 28787
Winding Road Apiaries (828) 438-1720 Resistant stock nucs; queens through the summer 2305 Throneburg Rd.
Morganton, NC 28655
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