Buncombe County Beekeepers Club
Supporting Beekeepers
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC) is one of the longest standing clubs in North Carolina dedicated to the support of beekeepers and the art of Beekeeping. We are a chapter of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA).
BCBC Member Support
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club was formed exclusively for its members to pursue together all matters relating to honeybees and the beekeeping industry, for the benefit of the members and the general public.
Why we exist
Promoting education and cooperation in the bee community
Our objectives are to encourage better management methods among the beekeepers of the county and state, to promote cooperation, to reach common understanding regarding our problems and their solutions.
We strive to maintain friendly and helpful relations with those forces that are working to better the beekeeping industry, to develop markets for beekeeping products, to foster closer cooperation among members of the chapter, and to do such things that tend to improve purposes exclusively for its members and the general public relating to honey bees and the beekeeping industry.
We put a great emphasis on education. In our view, a knowledgeable beekeeper is a good, lifelong beekeeper. We will present many options, methods and practices to the members. However, as in all things, each and every beekeeper chooses how to manage their bees. Our intention is to simply present as many methods and alternatives so management decisions are not made in a vacuum!
We promote public education in regards to pollinators, the role bees play in pollination and our food sources. Club members have ample opportunities to participate in public workshops and presentations that not only educate the public, but also help the members show what they have learned in their journey to ‘bee-coming’ good, lifelong beekeepers as well!

Please join us at a meeting to see what we are about! Guests are welcome!
We meet the first Monday of each month except September and December (and sometimes not July if the convention falls during that time) at:
Groce United Methodist Church
945 Tunnel Road Asheville, NC
Come early to ask questions – 6:30pm
Meeting time – 7:00pm – 8:30pm