November Meeting and Pot Luck

Time: 6PM (an hour earlier because of the time change) Good evening BCBC Members, I hope that you and your girls are doing well and enjoying this warm weather. Just a  short reminder that we are having our last meeting /pot luck next Monday November 4th. Please...

October 7th BCBC Meeting

Hello BCBCmembers, I hope that you all can make it to tomorrows meeting as we will be having Sean Collingsworth come and speak.   Sean began raising bees at nearly age and then took it up again after his retirement.Sean is a certified bee keeper and honey...

No September Meeting 2019

Good evening BCBC members,   I hope that your girls are doing well. Remember to check their stores and feed if necessary. They can go through a lot this time of year. You want them to be loaded up for winter. Also I hope that you have been checking the mite load...

August BCBC meeting next Monday August 5th 2019

Good evening BCBC members, I hope that you and the girls are al doing well and will be enjoying the break from the oppressive heat we have been having.I hope that you will all be coming to next Mondays meeting on August 5th. We will have Karen Stegall come out and...
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