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Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Articles

buncombe county beekeepers club hero image with bees, honey, yellow flowers

Advanced and Beginner Classes announced

Advanced Study Group (free to BCBC members, all others $10) for Journeyman and Master Beekeeper certification will begin Wednesdays April 17-May 15 at 122 Lyman Street in Asheville. 6:30-8:30 pm We will follow the curriculum as outlined on the NCSBA site. So take a...

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BCBC Apiary Hands On

Reply to mars1952@gmail.com with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it. This Saturday 04-13-2019 noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord's Acre (directions at the bottom of this page): We will do the first inspection of all four...

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March 4th,2019 Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Meeting

Hello Buncombe County Beekeepers,, Hope that all is well with you and your girls.Here is a recap of last months meeting:   Non-Chemical Treatment Options   Peter Brezney and Joseph Salvatore  presented a mite treatment concept that focused on...

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BCBC January meeting 6:30 -8:30 Groce United Methodist Church

Hello Buncombe County Beekeepers Club members, I hope that you all had a wonderful start to the new year and 2019 brings peace and happiness to you ,your family and your bees. Our first meeting of the year will be on Monday evening January 7th at 6:30- 8:30. Hope to...

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Sale @ Carolina bee farm this weekend

Black Friday sale for Carolina Bee Farm located at 1734 Brevard Rd., Suite C, Hendersonville, NC 28791. Nov. 23rd and 24th between the hours of 11-6. Suits, Jackets, and veils are 50% off and everything else store wide is 25% off. We also offer gift cards and for...

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FW: BCBC Apiary Workshop at The Lord’s Acre, Oct 6th, Noon

Reply to mars1952@gmail.com with any questions.  Saturday, 10/06/2018, Noon-2PM at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord's Acre: At Saturday’s workshop, we will demonstrate the tip test to evaluate honey stores.  Everyone will have a chance to try it. Next, and most...

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BCBC October meeting – Mon. Oct 1st 6:30pm

Good evening, members. I hope that you all fared well through the bad weather that Florence brought our way. WNC didn't experience too many problems, but our neighbors to the east weren't as fortunate. David Tarpy, NC State's extension specialist (apiculturist) has...

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Dr. Samuel Ramsey Visits WNC

Saturday, September 1, 8:30 register, 9-noon talk. Buncombe County Beekeepers are bringing in one of the cutting edge researchers on the Varroa Destructor mite. Dr. Samuel Ramsey is coming to speak with fascinating photographic evidence of the life cycle of the varroa...

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