Dr. Samuel Ramsey Visits WNC

Saturday, September 1, 8:30 register, 9-noon talk. Buncombe County Beekeepers are bringing in one of the cutting edge researchers on the Varroa Destructor mite. Dr. Samuel Ramsey is coming to speak with fascinating photographic evidence of the life cycle of the varroa...

FW: BCBC Apiary Sat Morning

This Saturday, 07/14/2018, 10 am to noon at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre, we will do:  Hive inspection, we need to check on our supercedure and swarm hive. Robbing awareness Mite assessment Smoker 101 Bring your veil and some water.   All...

May 7th meeting

   Hello to all BCBC members!   This is a reminder of our May meeting, scheduled for Monday, May 7th  at 7:00pm.    The guest speaker for the May meeting is Ms. Leigh Knott.   Ms. Knott (formerly from the Ozarks) is owner...
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