zoom link for Randy Oliver talk Dec. 6th 2021

wnc bees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Dec 6, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82434997009?pwd=Wm11cmozSjk0ckFxamJuWERBejlPQT09 Meeting ID: 824 3499 7009 Passcode: 941156 One...

August 3rd BCBC Monthly Meeting

Hello BCBC Members, Here is the link for our monthly meeting to be held on August 3rd. We will open the room up at 6:30 for conversation and discussing what is happening in the bee yard and the meeting will start at 7:00. Hope to see you there. Mark...

First Apiary Workshop of 2020

BCBC Apiary Root Cause Farm 2020 Schedule Good News: All of our hives are ALIVE at RCF thanks to the diligent efforts of manager, Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper,  828-231-8284, mars1952@gmail.com We have 5 full size and 2 five frame NUCs. Saturday...

Last Apiary Workshop of 2019

This Saturday 12-07-2019 Noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre). At this workshop we will evaluate honey stores, feed the bees with the “Mountain Camp Sugar” method and treat the bees with oxalic acid vapor one last...
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