Buncombe County Beekeepers No December Meeting

This is a reminder that we do not have a December meeting. Please renew your BCBC membership and looking forward to an exciting 2020. Have a safe holiday and a healthy and happy New Year for you and yours including your girls. See you all in January Mark Traub Vice...

BCBC Apiary 11-09-2019 Workshop

This Saturday 11-09-2019 Noon to 2PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): At this workshop we will evaluate honey stores, clean the feeders, feed the bees, install entrance reducers and...

BCBC Apiary workshop this Saturday 10/26

This Saturday 10-26-2019 Noon to 2 PM, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): At this workshop, we will evaluate honey stores, clean the feeders, feed the bees, install entrance reducers and...

BCBC Apiary workshop this Saturday

This Saturday 10-12-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): It is time to do another sugar shake to evaluate the effectiveness of the oxalic acid vapor mite treatments. We...

09-28-2019 Workshop at RCF

09-28-2019 Workshop at RCF (formally TLA) Reply to mars1952@gmail.com with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it. This Saturday 09-28-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s...

BCBC Workshop this Saturday 9-14-19

This Saturday 09-14-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): It is time to do another sugar shake to evaluate the effectiveness of the Apilife Var mite treatments. We will...
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