Hello Buncombe County Beekeepers,

the last of the crazy cold weather is behind us and your girls are
doing fine.There has been plenty of warm days for them to start to get
out and about.

For the April meeting we will have the pleasure
and knowledge  of our own member as well as NCDA Apiary inspector for
our region Lewis Cauble come and talk to us about spring management.

He will touch on.mites, feeding, swarm management, and capturing swarms and all things spring related to our bees.
bring your questions as well as your knowledge on how and what you do
for all of the above so we might all learn from each other.

Remember we meet at

The Groce United Methodist Church

945 Tunnel Road

Asheville NC

The meeting and presentation begins at 7:00pm, but try to come at 6:30pm
for the “advice/mentoring

and sharing information or just to get to know your fellow club members ,
or to connect with beekeepers in your part of the county.

Also we officially now  a Non-Profit more to come on that soon



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