Hello Buncombe County Bee Keepers,

Hope all is well in your bee yards and if you are getting nucs you are getting ready. Packages have started to arrive and it is very exciting to see bee yards coming to life after winter.

It was an great day at Wild Mountain Bees as I picked my packages and will be installing them tomorrow

Hope that you are looking forward to Aprils meeting.We will have Megan Baker from the Buncombe County NC Extension Center come and talk to us. Her topics will be an introduction to the Cooperative Extension Service and the programs and opportunities of interest to the beekeeping community. Also beneficial plants for pollinators, including honeybees and native bees.

Bring your questions and hope to see you all there.

Meeting time is 7:00 at Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road Asheville, NC

Mentoring and mini-workshop from 6:30 till 7:00


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