Good evening BCBC members,
I hope that you and the girls are al doing well and will be enjoying the break from the oppressive heat we have been having.I hope that you will all be coming to next Mondays meeting on August 5th. We will have Karen Stegall come out and talk to us about the AZ hive that is very popular and used in Slovenia. Karen is a 4 year beekeeper, North Carolina Journeyman  working toward master. She has been using the tradition AZ hive for the last 2 years. The AZ hive is used by most beekeepers in Slovenia.
Here is a  link to start to get you interested.
I hope to see you all there on Monday August 5th  2019
Groce United Methodist Church
Tunnel Road
We will start at 7:00 but come early and mingle and talk bees with your club members.
Mark Traub
Vice President BCBC
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