I hope this email finds you and your girls healthy and thriving.we have been working on our monthly meeting with zoom and have lined up Suzy Spencer to talk to us next Monday evening  August 3rd at 7:00 ..
Here is a little info about her:
Suzy Spencer is a NC Master Craftsman and keeps bees in her small backyard in downtown Raleigh. She has kept bees for over 30 years. Her local chapter is Five County Beekeepers. She has served as the NCSBA Membership Secretary and is the organizer of the NCSBA “black Jar” honey contest. She traveled to Slovenia on a beekeeping tour in 2018 to learn how their beekeepers raise bees and was surprised to also learn how much they love and respect them. She will share that information with us during her presentation.
I am looking forward to hearing all about it as part of our how beekeepers around the world keep bees.
I hope that you all can make it and if you have not used zoom or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.We will be tapping into the NCSBA for some speakers to round out the rest of the year. We normally do not have a September or December meeting but we will this year due to the lack of travel. If there are any items of interest please let me know and I will try to get them in the lineup.
See you Monday

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