Good afternoon BCBC members,
As you know we do not usually
have a july meeting but the last year and a half  has been
different….So we will be having a zoom meeting on Monday the 5th of
July at 7:00. As always we will be opening the room at 6:30 to talk with
your fellow beekeepers.
The meeting will be presented by Dr Tarpy and his BeeMore students. Here is a link for the BeeMore :
 I hope that you and your girls are doing well and enjoying the summer so
Also we are looking for applicants for the Root Cause Farm /BCBC
bee yard manager. We are still working out the logistics of the duties
to be performed and the time frame of what’s to be expected .
This will be a paid position, more info to follow in the next week or two.
Mark Traub
Vice President BCBC

wnc bees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: BCBC Monthly Meeting
Time: Jul 5, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 5979 7549
Passcode: 540715
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Meeting ID: 844 5979 7549
Passcode: 540715
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