Good evening, members.

I hope that you all fared well through the bad weather that Florence brought our way. WNC didn’t experience too many problems, but our neighbors to the east weren’t as fortunate. David Tarpy, NC State’s extension specialist (apiculturist) has recently published an article titled “Protective Measures of Beehives during Hurricanes”. you can read the post here

For our October meeting,

We will be talking about last minute preparation for your bees as we head into fall. We may have a short discussion about bears as well. I have been trying to get a biologist from the NC Department of Wildlife to come and talk bears with us because bear activity is on the increase and ,as we all know, can be a nuisance to bee keepers and our bees. I have not received a return phone call as of yet…..
There will be some other normal club business discussed, including the November 3rd presentation of “So you Wanna’ be a Beekeeper”; a short three hour seminar for anyone interested in becoming a beekeeper. The presentation will be held at Home Gauge in the River Arts District from 9am – 12pm.  It offers some excellent volunteer opportunities for those interested in helping. Helping with this presentation counts as service hours for those of us working toward certification in the NCSBA’s master beekeeper program.  
October meeting attendees will be receiving a copy of the proposed updated bi-laws. there are some significant changes in the bi-laws that the club will be voting on at Novembers meeting. Please attend and be informed! Help us continue to improve the club and the educational opportunities for all levels of beekeepers.
November is also election time. We have the positions of President, Treasurer and Membership up for elections in November. We are also in need of a webmaster/website help, and some additional members on the education committee and the Apiary committee as well.  if you are truly interested and passionate about the club and helping provide educational opportunities for members and the general public, what better way to help than to server as a board member.  If you are interested in helping on a committee or serving on the board, please contact me at .

We are also having a guest speaker from the west coast talk on the spiritual/esoteric side of bees and beekeeping. Her name is Laura Ferguson and here is a little background on her:

Laura Ferguson brings the ethos of the ancient Sacred Beekeeper to life with a visual tapestry of symbols, archetypes, and images. Her explorations into Greek and Minoan mythology and history,  ravels to Sacred Sites in Europe, Turkey, and Peru, and her grounded grasp of our culture in situ bring forward a rooted vision of hope and a fresh de-colonized perspective into our relationship with the honeybee and Nature. With wit and deep insight, Laura aims to entertain and illuminate her vision of Sacred Beekeeping lineages and share elements still living in our culture at large.

from their website:

Laura Ferguson is the founder and director of the College of the Melissae.  The College of the Melissae is a revolutionary approach to living symbiotically with bees, and is offered as an online and on-the-ground international program designed for the collaborative study of the rich world of the bee and beekeeping.  Laura teaches to the science, sacred, history, art, medicine, and activism of the bee.

more information may be found at

I am looking forward to hearing her talk as she was very enthusiastic and interesting to chat with on the phone today.

Hope to see you all there on Monday, October 1st, at Groce United Methodist Church at 7:00, but come early (6:30) to talk bees with your fellow club members.



Mark Traub

Vice President

Buncombe County Beekeepers Club



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