Topics: Our part
in summer conference, Bee Yard update, Evaluation of nectar Flow, Club Business

Hayes “Solar Wax Melting”


Bring:  a donated door prize


Reminder: Register for the NC State Beekeepers Association
Summer conference in Flat Rock at the Blue Ridge Community College, July 19-21 ) 


Dear Buncombe County Beekeepers,


Mark your calendar for our next monthly meeting on July 2nd at
7:00pm.  We hope that you and your apiary friends are doing well, despite
any stress from the dearth or heavy storms that have been dominating our
weather this past week…hopefully we’ll have another nectar flow


Just a reminder that Buncombe County is one of the host counties
for the NC State Beekeepers Association Summer conference held in Flat Rock at
the Blue Ridge Community College.  There are currently lots of work being
done by the officers and members to ensure it will be a wonderful
success!  Mark your calendar for July 19-21 and check out the website for
the tentative schedule they have posted.  ( ) 
As a reminder, you can save money if you preregister early!


July’s meeting will focus on some necessary club business, but we
look forward to having one of our club members, Dale Hayes, speak about his
solar wax melting process.  If you have been wondering what to do with all
that wax after you have extracted your honey, don’t miss this fantastic
opportunity. Dale will discuss how he built his own model and how it operates.
 We would love for anyone who has their own wax “business” to also be
willing to share their experiences at the meeting as well so that we can learn
from one another.


I am always in search of informative guest speakers for the
upcoming months.  If there are any bee-related topics that you would like
to share or have shared with the club, or if you know of any “experts” that you
feel our club would benefit hearing from, please share this information with me
at our next meeting.


One last item…we all look forward to the conclusion of our monthly
meetings with the door prize drawings.  These gifts are made possible
through the generosity of local businesses and many are often donated by our
own members.  Most beekeepers have a treasure trove of bee-related items
that we pick up throughout the year, in addition to receiving gifts from family
and friends to acknowledge our love of all things “bees”….if you have any
excess items that you could stand to part with, please consider donating them
to the club as door prizes for the future meetings.  Everyone loves
winning door prizes!


Remember that we meet on Monday, July 2, 2018 at 7:00.  Come
early (6:30) to mingle and chat with others who love all things “bees”!


Groce United Methodist Church  

945 Tunnel Road Asheville


Hope to see you all there!

Mark Traub/Vice President of BCBC



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